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Intermediate HTML + CSS

Class 4


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First, some housekeeping

Let's Develop It!

  1. Open styles.css in your text editor and change :first-of-type to :first-child
  2. Open index.html in your text editor and change :first-of-type to :first-child

Now if you view index.html in your browser, it should look jacked up — let's fix that!

Selector Definition Example
:first-of-type The :first-of-type selector styles the first sibling of its type (e.g. specific tag and class) that is a child of its parent element Example »
:first-child The :first-child selector styles the first child of its parent element, regardless of type Example »

So how does a grid system work?

Recap: Grid System

Use the row class on each row of content:

<section class="row">


Within the row, use the column class and the width class (e.g. span_4_of_12) on each column of content:

<section class="row">
    <div class="column span_4_of_12">
        I'm the first of three columns!
    <div class="column span_4_of_12">
        I'm the second of three columns!
    <div class="column span_4_of_12">
        I'm the third of three columns!

Property: clear

When an element is floated, subsequent elements wrap around it

A floating example

The clear property prevents floated elements from appearing on a specific side (left, right, or both)

See the Pen Clearing - Before by Liz Shaw (@anythingcodes) on CodePen.

Grids Under The Hood

Each row:

  • Has columns

Each column:

  • Has a width, which is set by the span_X_of_12 class
  • Has a left margin (except for the 1st column in the row)
  • Is floated left so columns stack side-by-side

✗ The Problem?
Floating takes columns out of normal flow, preventing columns from contributing to the height of their container!

Row Columns with Set Widths Columns with Gutters/Margins Floated Columns

The Clearfix Method

✔ The Solution
The row clears floats, which properly:

  1. adjusts the height of the row
  2. prevents subsequent elements from wrapping around the columns

How? With an :after pseudoelement, which injects content at the end of an element

Floated Columns Floated Columns Floated Columns with Clearfix

The Clearfix Method

We use :after to inject an empty cleared, block-level pseudoelement at the end of each row

.row:after {
    content: '';
    clear: both;
    display: block;
    visibility: hidden;
    height: 0;

Tip: If you don't have the content property, :after won't work. visibility and height are optional, but address problems in older browsers.

Since :after acts as the last item in our row (after the columns), it clears the float at that point and sets the row height properly

Memorize this ☺ — it comes up all the time!

Let's Develop It!

Use the grid system with HTML5 elements to make our Stripes page

  1. Stripes designOpen stripes.html and structure the article area using HTML5 elements:
  2. Add grid classes to the HTML

Selector: :nth-child()

selector:nth-child(odd) {
    background: red;

The :nth-child() selector allows you to pick specific child elements to style

You can use a keyword (e.g. even or odd), number (e.g. 2), or formula (e.g. 3n + 3)

See the Pen The nth-child Selector by Liz Shaw (@anythingcodes) on CodePen.

Let's Develop It!

  1. Stripes designOpen stripes.html and add a <div> for each blog post
  2. Add an image to each <div> (use, then add a headline, date, and descriptive paragraph
  3. Use the :nth-child(even) and :nth-child(odd) selectors to alternate each blog post's background color

Homework 1:

  1. Make each blog container resize to fit its content like so:
  2. Use the :nth-child(even) and :nth-child(odd) selectors to alternate the float value for each image (left or right) like so:
    HW1 list 2
  3. Style the text to your liking

Homework solutions will be emailed on Sunday

Let's Develop It!

Let's get semantic! Use the grid system with HTML5 elements to make our Africa and Diet pages.

  1. Africa designDiet designOpen each file and structure the sidebar and the article area using HTML5 elements, such as:
  2. Add grid classes to the HTML
  3. Let's also add a sidebar class to the sidebar and style that!

The :before Selector

As a counterpart to :after, :before injects content at the beginning of an element:

p:before {
    content: 'Read this: ';

See the Pen The :before Pseudoelement by Liz Shaw (@anythingcodes) on CodePen.

Using images
in :before and :after

p:before {
    content: url('your_image_path.png');


Pseudoelements (:after and :before) are awesome

Learning to use the :before and :after pseudoelements in CSS »

Homework 2:

Try to style your sidebar like the design!

  1. HW2Save the image at and put it in your images folder
  2. Create an unordered list of links in the HTML, if you haven't already
  3. Use :before to place this arrow image before each item
  4. Make other sidebar-specific styles to match the design, as needed — you'll need to override other styles!

Homework solutions will be emailed on Sunday

Sidebar Heights

We commonly see sidebars that take up the entire height of the main content area:

Africa design

This is possible with floats, but hardly fun!

Why Floats?

Why Floats?

Browser support — effectively all browsers support the float property (IE6+, Firefox 2+, Chrome 1+, etc.)

But there are new CSS3 alternatives
to make our lives easier!

Lucille Bluth


Introducing Flexbox


Flexbox: Flexible Box Model, the latest and greatest CSS3 offering

It was created largely because of common responsive development problems — float is great, but it requires too much extra attention!

The central idea is that flexbox keeps your layout fluid by doing a lot of the math for you!

Example: Use flexbox on a parent container. Its children will automatically have the same height — set child dimensions only if you need to!

Using Flexbox

Set display:flex; on a parent container.

selector {
    display: flex;

Now all children will have the same height, unless that height was set elsewhere

Let's Develop It!

Let's solve our sidebar height problem using flexbox!

Africa design

Flexbox is magical

You can do a lot more with flexbox, including:

  • Reordering elements at different breakpoints
  • Calculating widths dynamically (awesome for Content Management System, or CMS, work )
  • Easier vertical alignment

Articles & Examples:
'Using Flexbox Today' by Chris Wright »
'Solved by Flexbox' by Philip Walton »

What are the drawbacks?

Flexbox is so new that you will need to use vendor prefixes until the simple non-prefixed display:flex; is supported in a browser:

selector {
    display: -webkit-box;  /* iOS 6-, Safari 3.1-6 */
    display: -ms-flexbox;  /* IE 10 */
    display: -webkit-flex; /* Safari 6.1+. iOS 7.1+ */
    display: flex;         /* MODERN VERSIONS: Firefox, Chrome, Opera */

Order matters! The non-prefixed version should always go last.

Don't memorize this! Use

Common Vendor Prefixes

  • Firefox: -moz-
  • Safari: -webkit-
  • Internet Explorer: -ms-
  • Opera: -o-

... but really, don't memorize this.


Old browsers (for example, IE 9 & below) were made before flexbox existed; these browsers don't know what flexbox is

You can use a polyfill, which is code that replicates the functions of a modern HTML5 or CSS3 feature for browsers that don't support that feature natively

Flexie is a flexbox polyfill

A variety of polyfills exist for other modern CSS3 properties and HTML5 elements

Use to check if a certain HTML5 or CSS3 feature is supported. If not, google for a polyfill!

Mobile Menus

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Mobile Menus

We can use CSS3 to make a nifty mobile menu!

Mobile menu animation

We know:

  1. About absolute positioning
  2. About animations using transition
  3. About the viewport width (vw) unit
  4. About max-width and max-height
  5. About hiding elements at different breakpoints
  6. A lot! (good job! 👍 )

We need to know:

  1. About the checkbox <input>s, <label>s, and the :checked selector
  2. About sibling selectors

The checkbox <input>

form inputsThe <input> element specifies an input field, usually in a form

Use the type="checkbox" attribute to make a checkbox:

	<input type="checkbox" />

Why a checkbox?

Because we can use the :checked selector as an animation trigger state!

If it's checked, we'll show the mobile menu

The checkbox <input>'s <label>

						<label>Toggle the checkbox!</label>

The <label> element is used for labeling form elements, and is the clickable text for toggling a checkbox

To link a label with a checkbox, use the for="" attribute. The for value should be the same as the checkbox's id value, for example:

<input type="checkbox" id="toggler" />
<label for="toggler">Toggle the checkbox!</label>

Sibling Selectors

In the HTML, we'll place our checkbox before the menu's <ul>

Then, in the CSS, we'll show the <ul> if the checkbox is checked — we can do this with a sibling selector!

.our-checkbox ~ .our-unordered-list {
    max-height: 0;

The above targets an element with class our-unordered-list if it is preceded by a sibling element with class our-checkbox

Putting It All Together

Now that the label is clickable, we don't need to see that ugly checkbox — hide it with display:none;

We're going to use max-height:0; and overflow:hidden; on the before state of our navigation menu's <ul>

When the box is checked, we'll animate max-height to become 100vh.

Let's Develop It!

Let's make a mobile menu!

CSS for reference »

Masonry Layouts

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column-count and column-gap

A masonry layoutMasonry layouts have become popular lately, largely thanks to sites with infinite scrolling such as Pinterest

Now we can make them much more easily with CSS3!

.masonry {
    column-count: 3;
    column-gap: 3;

column-count and column-gap also need vendor prefixes — check!


Each item in a masonry layout is usually called a brick and has some additional styling:

.brick {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 100%;
    margin: 0 0 1em 0;
.brick img {
    width: 100%;

Masonry Layout Demo

See the Pen CSS Masonry Layout by Liz Shaw (@anythingcodes) on CodePen.

Feel free to copy this to your diet.html page!

Opacity and Shadows

Press the down arrow or spacebar to view

Animation Recap

  • Add transition to the before state
  • Remember: transition accepts two values,
    the CSS property and the duration of the animation
Before Selector After Selector
selector {
    width: 100px;
    transition: width 2s;
	selector:hover {
		width: 500px;

Animating Multiple Properties

To animate multiple properties, separate each effect with a comma

selector {
    transition: width 2s, background 5s;

Animating Multiple Properties

Method 2: All Properties

Use all to seamlessly transition all properties from before to after states at the same duration

selector {
    transition: all 3s;

Sounds great, right? However, all has performance drawbacks, so use it sparingly! (Example »)

Property: box-shadow

The box-shadow CSS3 property is often used to give a 3D effect when an element is hovered over

selector {
    box-shadow: horizontalShadow verticalShadow blurDistance color;
    box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px grey;

See the Pen CSS3 Generator: box-shadow by Liz Shaw (@anythingcodes) on CodePen.

Don't worry about memorizing this — use a generator instead!

Property: opacity

opacity changes the opacity of the whole element

selector {
    opacity: 0.5;

The value can be a number between 0 (translucent) and 1.0 (opaque)

See the Pen Opacity vs. RBGA by Liz Shaw (@anythingcodes) on CodePen.

opacity in Hover States

opacity is commonly used in hover states to reveal transparent content

See the Pen Opacity and Hover - Before by Liz Shaw (@anythingcodes) on CodePen.

Let's Develop It!

You may have noticed that one of these things is not like the other. That's because one is a hover state!

Let's animate multiple properties (for example, box-shadow and opacity) for the hover states in the About section.

Hover state for home image


See the Pen Box-Shadow and Opacity for hover states by Liz Shaw (@anythingcodes) on CodePen.

Now what?

Now what?

Useful Frontend Skills:

Now what?

Useful Sites to Join or Follow:

Also, GDI is a super nationwide network of techie ladies!

Bonus Material:

Getting Your Site Online

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Method 1: GitHub

GitHub is free and a great intro to version control

A version control system records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can keep track of changes and roll back to previous revisions

Almost every web agency uses a version control system is hosted for free on GitHub! See?

Method 1: GitHub

  1. Create an account on
  2. Download GitHub Desktop, then open it and login
  3. Adding a repositoryClick the plus sign and, under the Add tab, browse to the project folder you used for this class
  4. An error message will display; click create a repository
  5. The create repo screenChange the Name to (substitute yourusername with your GitHub username)
  6. Click Create repository (Don't worry about changing Local path or Git ignore)

Method 1: GitHub

  1. Click Changes, where you should see a list of project files.
  2. Enter a Summary and click Commit to master
    Committing changes to GitHub

Method 1: GitHub

  1. The publish menuClick Publish at the top, making sure Name is in the correct format (, except with your username)
  2. Within a few minutes, your site will be live at (substituting your GitHub username for yourusername). Check it out!
  3. Any time you make changes to your project files, open GitHub Desktop, Commit (step 8) and then click the button to publish your changes.

Method 2: Hosting + Domain

There are two paid services involved:

  1. Web Hosting: A computer (a.k.a. server) where your site's files are located, which is visible to the outside world using a browser
    • To publish changes to your site, you upload individual files from your computer to the server using a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) program such as Filezilla
    • The web hosting company will give you FTP info
  2. Domain Name: The name you type in to the browser (e.g. or
    • Buying a domain is often called registering, so companies that sell domain names are often called Domain Name Registrars

Method 2: Hosting + Domain

You can buy hosting from one company and a domain name from another, but it's usually less of a hassle to buy both from the same company

I use 1&1's Starter package, since it includes hosting and one domain name

When it comes to hosting, don't be fooled by the extra bells and whistles — if you aren't sure what something is, you probably don't need it

Method 2: Hosting + Domains

Why are there two separate services?

First, your files need to be stored on a web host, which is a computer (a.k.a. server)

When you register a domain, it doesn't 'point' to the server where your files are located

This is why your web host may give you a Domain Name System (or DNS) address, which is the IP address of the computer (a.k.a. server) where your files are located

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a huge list that links your domain name (e.g. to where your files are located (using the IP address of the server where your files are located)

Answers to Questions

Thank you all!

You are all awesome! Please keep in touch!